Cute, isn't it? This is Baby Kronk from the the movie Kronk's New Groove, the sequel to the animated feature film The Emperor's New Groove. Well, you might be wondering what's this pic doing here, aiyt? well... you see, I Loove "baby" kronk so much 'coz he's like the CUTEst thing ever (next to pooh, love him too☺). And aside from his cuteness, I used the character's names as my codenames to people. So, they are kinda connected to me now. Anyhoo.. We have our own yzma... but he's a boy though, and as selfish as yzma (bwahaha☺). We have our Kuzco, my rich-vainiac classmate who only thinks about himself. Kronk, Maleena (dont mind the spelling) and so on☺. Anyway, that's beside my point. LOL. Well to my surprise, I just can't find a picture of him from everywhere even from diff search engines in the web (idk bout you, but i haven't found one☺).
As you can see... it's not even the best pic aiyt? His cuteness was not emphasized This was emaild to me by my good friend Totie, and i don't know where in the world did she get this picture. Oh well... better make it my desktop wallpaper now. Grab it if you want though, its not mine.☺ So, good aftie... everybody! 'til next time.. ttFN.ü
Give WHAT on Christmas Day?
*"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see him in a
department store, and he asked for my autograph.” *
Funny, isn’t it? This is...
16 years ago