Thank God for this cross...

“Life is unfair” – the most common line we hear other people say. Yet, did it ever occur to us that without this “unfairness” in this world there would never be called “life”? Well yes, you have not lived until you have experience life’s wonderful treasures – suffering and pleasures go hand-in-hand. These are the elements that compose the life we should be living. And I think one has been living it as well.

Indeed, we are carrying different kinds of “crosses” with us. And we know that like Jesus, either big or small, these sufferings are only tests of our faith in God and His words. And because of this “unfairness” also, it can bring something out of us that we don’t actually know of.

For me right now, the biggest cross that I have ever gotten was being under – probation, by specifically, the humanities division. Or generally, I should say, college life is burden to me. You see, during the first half of this semester, I feel like I was being “tortured” really! I faced all the hurt, and the painful sacrifices that still leave a scar in me. I was very disappointed of the results, I was passed on different teachers and counselors for consultation and encountered different kinds of illnesses because of stress just to retain my 80% grade in my majors. I never thought life feels like hell whenever you reach college and I could feel like I was being eaten up alive with all this sufferings I have right now.

But the best part of this is that God never leave you! And I always bear that in mind. Like, when you think heaven has closed its doors on you, then and there the sun will set and God is there to save you. You see, everything has brightened up during this second half of the semester. Everything turned out good, I mean most of it. My midterm grades are impossible, ‘coz it’s the best grade so far since I was here in Ateneo,(LOL) but I know that was because God was there carrying me.

Also, I discovered something great that was in me all along. And what’s more, I have never been this close to God before, even in my entire life… well honestly! I am very grateful every time I would remember this “cross” and how God left a big impact on me as a person and as a spiritual being.

For you see, without all this trials, there would never be called “life”. It’s just that simple – you suffer now, but then after, God will reward you blessings more than twice your suffering. Because everything happens for a reason, and only He, knows it’s for our own good. I love God always, always!!! :D